Tuesday 7 May 2013

Ludwig van Beethoven.

Hello my friend, welcome back to the Classical Music World. I am Chris.

Today, I am going to talk about the Ludwig van Beethoven.

Can you imagine what it would be like to listen to music, but not hear it at all?

Beethoven had become completely deaf. He could sometimes be seen roaming around his town, making awkward faces and hand movements. People considered him to be slightly insane, but they know it was his genius at work. He would walk around coming up with music in his head until he saw fit. Many musical historians today consider Beethoven’s late period to be when he had written his best pieces of music.

Beethoven is an amazing inspiration to me, showing to never give up, even if the challenges showed to be impossible. Listening to his music today, I’m still amazed he wrote most of them, without ever really hearing what they sounded like. The sad part was that he had never heard anything he wrote in person. Was that really a bad thing though? It was in his late period, when he was completely deaf, that he wrote his greatest pieces and pretty soon, ended up being the bridge to Romantic music, my favorite era of music. Maybe, in the end, being deaf could very well have been the greatest thing that’s ever happened to him.

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